tang n. 1.(刀剑等插入柄中的)柄脚。 2.强烈的气味[臭味]。 3.气息,意味;风味。 wine with a tang of the cask 带有桶味的酒。 be seasoned with the tang of humour 带有幽默的意味。 vt. 使其有…气味。 n. 响亮而有余音的声音;当的一声。 vt.,vi. (敲金属物等)使铛铛地响,使鸣响。 n. 【植物;植物学】墨角藻。
Professor tang tao , director of the graduate school and head and chair professor of the mathematics department of hong kong baptist university ( hkbu ) , has won a special honour with his appointment as distinguished visiting professor of the academy of mathematics and systems science ( amss ) of the chinese academy of sciences ( cas ) 浸会大学研究院院长、数学系系主任及讲座教授汤涛教授,最近获中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院聘为杰出访问教授,以表扬他在数学研究上作出重大的贡献。